Live recording from University of Reading's Journeys Across Media 2013 Conference: The Body and the Digital, 19 April 2013.
Philosophy On The Run
As part of The School Of Life Physical Education series of events exploring how body and mind influence each other, James Steventon will be spending a day with US-based philosopher Mark Rowlands, exploring the relationship between running and thinking.
Sonic Representationsof the Body inDigital Performance
French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty once stated: 'The body is our general medium for having a world'. Today, critical approaches and performance/art/media practices concerned with phenomenology, embodiment and the haptic continue to evolve as they encounter, engage with, respond to, incorporate and influence digital cultures.
Creative Practice Publication
A creative practice publication by members of the APT research group as a development on from presented works in Place and Time.
Statements onthe drawing andthe drawing
The drawing is 129.8 cm x 98.2 cm
The drawing was 15 hours
The breathing was 15 hours
The drawing is the residue of the drawing
Breathing is the residue of the breath
Experiencing the drawing is not experiencing the drawing
Experiencing breathing is experiencing the breath
The location of the drawing is not the drawing
The location of the breath is not breathing
The future of the drawing is not the drawing
The future of the breath is not breathing
The drawing is not breathing
It is the intention that the APT group will interact with the gallery space in respect to the ongoing theme of place and time, using this particular place in time as an explorative vehicle.
Place and Time
An exhibition by members of the A Place in Time? research group.
The University of Northampton
St. George's Avenue
Exhibition open:
11 January - 8 February 2013, Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm
A Song for Eurydice
Through an interface designed by Leafcutter John, Steventon's elevated heartbeat is transmitted in real time to Singh's live music sequencer. Through a skillful treadmill running performance, the tempo is set by the alternating heart rate. Singh's live vocal response in turn directly affects the heart rate, setting up a circular, symbiotic relationship where Steventon's heart becomes both instrument and perceiving organ, as Singh composes the running journey.
The Heart As APerceptual Organ
Arts Council England are supporting James Steventon to realise The Heart As A Perceptual Organ - a period of research and development, resulting in a new collaborative performance, using running to generate and respond to a live vocal score; and a participatory running experience, using biofeedback devices to create a shared experiential encounter through radio transmission of heart-rate data.
A Place in Time?
An embryonic research group made up of artists involved in research into several different areas of fine art practice, including traditional and non-traditional media and also interdisciplinary practice.