James Steventon Artist | Writer | Runner

Words (In)

Sara Jaspan
PAPER magazine

Others tap into drawing’s ability to offer a more immediate, less filtered connection between mind and action, allowing for something akin to a stream of consciousness to spread across the page. James Steventon’s 13 Hours with Weighted Vest (BST) (2017) takes this concept a stage further; the piece being the end result of a private endurance-based performance in which the artist ‘drew’ the patterns of his breathing whilst wearing a weighted vest (mixing drawing as action and noun).

Robert Clark
The Guardian

The aerobic heart rate of the runner James Steventon's effort determined the characteristics of the art-run, thus, as the artist stated, somehow making “use of the heart as a perceptual organ.”

Already we are encountering several questionings of the identity of the art object. Art has been reframed as ... a refreshing run in the country (but one in which some kind of metaphoric shift is taking place).

Red Attitude

For Steventon there is no real separation of ends and means. There is instead a relationship which is circular and ongoing. Traditionally artist and audience are divided; they are Liverpool and Everton. In Steventon’s interpretation, manifestation and response, they are United.

James Steventon Artist | Writer | Runner

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